The symptoms of varicose veins of the pelvis and preventive measures

Varicose veins of the pelvis or the syndrome of chronic vaagnapiirkonna pain is still an exotic disease along with the blurry, and diagnostic boundaries, that many doctors.

It is explained that some of the medics for a long time "does not notice" this trouble is of his patients, while others have begun this diagnosis is almost every second person suffers from persistent unexplained pain in the abdomen.

Meanwhile, the timely detection of varicosity pelvic ven depends largely on the quality of later life of the patient, his ability to enjoy intimate party relationship with a close person and the possibility of continuing your family.

The phenomenon is chronic vaagnapiirkonna pain is known медикам a long time ago. But only relatively recently has become known as most likely is the reason for this – the varicose veins and the pelvis. This is a disease first described in 1975. year and has investigated so far is not good enough.

варикоз pelvis

The most likely is that this disease will develop the following algorithm:

  1. Венозное plexus or a small bucket is the complexity of accounts, which includes both the large vascular trunks, so scale them smaller veins. It is deoxygenated system of the pelvis of men and women are different in their structure, which accounts for the sexual description of the disease – is much more widespread just for the fairer sex.
  2. Since the squeezing of blood vessels, full or partial закупоривания venous riverbed, changes in the vascular tone of the walls is broken, the blood outflow is the deep pelvic veins.
  3. Result the vein no longer perform its function completely: the promotion of failure in the veins of the valves and is disrupted by normal blood outflow.
  4. This pelvic veins start stagnant phenomenon, which is related to the opposite забросом in the blood is сосудам – it creates the varicose veins and the development of varicosity.
Symptoms варикозного expansion of (varicosity) of the veins of the internal pelvic organs a lot of found more frequently in women of reproductive age, than in men. The most frequently suffer from овариальные vein – 85% of cases.

The leading symptom is pain, which is registered in more than 90% of patients. And here is the disease prevalence in the population so far does not explain: according to a different study is from 6 up to 80%. Such a big difference in "certificate" is only due to the dearth of qualified doctors-диагностов if the diagnosis.

Causes and risk factors

Causes of pelvic varicosity there is any change in the body, which can lead to the launching of the pathological mechanism of this disease:

Анатомо-physiological cause of varicosity What can cause this
Mechanical pressure on the pelvic vein
  • kubemesong
  • the tumor is a small bucket
  • growing pressure on the belly due to constipation
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • gynecological diseases (загиб of the uterus, ovarian cysts)
Review of vascular tone
  • diseases of connective tissue, in particular dysplasia
  • stagnant phenomenon in the vessels of the pelvis, which is related to a disturbed sexual life is life
  • hereditary predisposition and congenital weakness of the veins and the walls of the
Veins blockage of the pelvis
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives
  • tendency to thrombosis
варикоз pelvic symptoms

Factors are at increased risk of varicosity in the pelvic are:

  • hard physical work;
  • not enough regular or unsatisfactory oral sexual life;
  • abuse of intimate life прерванным intercourse;
  • a large number of pregnancies and births;
  • frequent gynecological diseases;
  • contraception by means of hormonal preparations;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • physical activity.

Classification and stage of varicosity

The medical environment against a conditional share of varicosity pelvic in character the flow of the varicosity ven perineum and external genital organs (for example, häbememokad) and the syndrome of venous plethoras of the pelvis. This classification is not of great practical value, because in most cases patients submit both forms simultaneously, such as provoking the appearance of each other.

Also you can meet the classification of a disease original cause of his appearance. In this part of the varicosity in the pelvic share:

  • main – what is the unsatisfactory work of the veins and valves;
  • secondary – develops as a complication is available in the inflammatory, gynecological or onkoloogiliste diseases and internal organs.

There is also a try of classification of this disease on the basis of the degree of выраженности pathology. In this regard distinguishes between 3 phases of pelvic varicosity:

Stage The characteristic feature of the diseased veins
diameter (mm) localization
The first less than 5 each platter венозное plexus or
The second 6 to 10 ovarian or uterine
The third more 10 whole to kick ven in the pelvis

How dangerous, and whether the consequences of

This vascular pathology can not be called a fatal disease. The timely detected, it is subject to well medical correction. But the whole problem is that on the ground it is not so easy. In this play their role, and the lack of изученность disease, and low awareness of most doctors-диагностов.

варикоз pelvis as dangerous

It turns out that the patients is suffering from this disease, without even realizing it. And their body in the meantime held a number of irreversible changes:

  • varicosity progresses, the pathological process involved is related to the field – appears on the varicose veins of the reproductive organs (such as varicosity of the penis), perineum, and lower extremities.
  • Appears in the permanent disturbance of the internal genital area, which may lead to infertility or inability to carry pregnancy in women.
  • In the midst of the pain syndrome to develop a variety of psychoemotional violations, according to the neurasthenia.
  • Because of the chronic pain, обостряющейся during intimate proximity, people may actually give up sex.
  • The most rarest and at the same time the most serious complications of pelvic varicosity is considered to be thrombosis of the veins, and тромбоэмболия light. They are presented in about 5% of cases, but always fatally dangerous.


To the characteristic symptoms of varicose veins and blood vessels of the pelvis, requiring treatment with your doctor treatment, is the following:

  • The chronic pain. Pain is the most commonly локализуются under the abdomen, sometimes "give away" the groin and lower back. Elevated in the second half of menstruating women, after intercourse, or a long period of population on the legs.
  • Discharge from the reproductive tract. This is a typical "female" symptom. In doing so, the selection of everyday appearance and is not a foreign smell. The difficulty of cautious doing only their unusually large quantity.
  • External signs – veins or an increased risk of venous image, hips, perineal area – is present in about half of patients. Men may present small varicose veins on the penis penis.
  • Menstrual cycle disorders in women and disorders of urination in patients of both sexes occurs rarely and shows the working of the disease form.

When to go to the doctor and what?

The reason to seek medical attention could be any of the above symptoms. Hesitate to contact, if it does not, because usually the real causes of discomfort and determine the effective treatment takes a lot of time.

Профильным a specialist in the disease, is the doctor-флеболог, but in the case of women may the initial visit to a gynecologist, who pleased not related to gynecological diseases.
варикоз pelvic diagnostic


According to the american researchers in the early 2000's is only 2% of patients, varicosity of the pelvis was originally correct diagnosis. Sometimes the consequence of diagnostic error received removing детородных makers women, although it could have been avoided if you used the most accurate diagnosis of pelvic varicosity:

  • ULTRASOUND and Doppler study of the ven – gives the chance to the suspect varicosity;
  • Phlebography – инвазивное study, which allows high accuracy to know whether and the extent to which the disease;
  • Laparoscopy – an indispensable what is the difference between a diagnosis of varicosity of the pelvis from a similar симптоматике gynecological diseases (endometriosis, fibroids, кольпит).
  • Selective variography – the study of the status of the veins through the kontrastaine administration, is considered as the most objective diagnostic method.
  • Computer-or magnetic resonance imaging allows to explain the details of leakage diseases and distinguish it from other pathologies, similar симптоматике (joints diseases, crohn's disease, etc.).


In the treatment of varicosity of the pelvic placed in the following tasks:

  • normalize vascular tone;
  • improve tissue nutrition;
  • avoid stagnant phenomenon and possible complications.

The treatment of varicosity of the blood vessels of the pelvis at the same time you can go a number of ways, with surgical intervention necessary in only 3 stage of disease.

The therapeutic effect of the direction of the Specific activities
Treatment without drug-free
  • regular contraindications
  • diet
  • contrasting water procedures
  • wearing if varicosity компрессионного lingerie and pantyhose
  • hirudotherapy
Medical treatment
  • anesthesia nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory tools
  • determination of medications to maintain venomous (phlebotonics, angioprotectors)
  • the application of medicines to improve the blood microcirculation (Пентоксифиллин)
  • hormone replacement therapy where necessary, correction of the hormonal level
  • symptomatic treatment of related pathologies
Surgical intervention
  • склеротерапия – optimal method with minimum complications to the number of
  • phlebectomy – junction and ligation of the veins plexus in the
  • laser or radio frequency коагуляция – modern minime psidium method
Treatment of people like the use of herbal remedia based on dandelion, chagas and hevoskastanja
варикоз pelvic prevention methods

Forecast and prevention

Fully heal varicose veins of the pelvis without surgical intervention is almost impossible. Using conservative medicine can significantly alleviate and even eliminate most of the unpleasant symptoms , and greatly reduce the risk of complications of the disease. The operation does not give a full guarantee that the disease will not come back.

In order to avoid the relapse of the disease should always follow a correct lifestyle:

  • no smoking;
  • do not use hormonal drugs uncontrollably;
  • more movement and less standing feet motionless;
  • follow the antisclerotic diet with plenty of fresh plant foods;
  • every day to meet the complex treatment гимнастических and breathing exercises, to maintain the health of the blood vessels;
  • after the done surgical operations over the varicosity to be worn компрессионный the work and to take preventive dose of the doctor prescribed medicines venotonics.

Pelvic varicosity – this is a hidden beach women's health, a peculiar disease-the ghost, to discover what is difficult, and here to suffer him absolutely real.

The main symptom of the disease of chronic vaagnavalu, which can interfere with a patient for a long time and become a source of giving up many pleasures of life. To endure such discomfort and not to the doctor go to can't!

If you specific symptoms should be clearly understood that this is abnormal and immediately seek the assistance of a specialist.